Planning Masters Rowing in NZ

A second open meeting was held on 17 September to discuss the future of masters rowing in New Zealand. Fourteen representatives from clubs around the country joined the virtual meeting hosted by Rebecca Caroe, who is the Masters Representative on the RNZ Domestic Rowing Committee.
The theme of the meeting was communication.
Feedback since last meeting from attendees and club colleagues included
– good to see Rowing New Zealand linking up initiatives for masters and putting on events online.
– 27 new joiners to the Legion Newsletter of which 11 are South Island 16 North Island.
– Anna Williams confirmed that Rowing NZ are keen for masters to self-organise on this group hence nothing is moderated and anyone can post updates and events.
– Events have been added to the New Zealand Masters Rowers group
Discussion focused on how to enable information reaching people.
It was agreed to try to get at least one person from every club onto the NZ Masters Rowers Facebook Group and the Legion of Rowers email newsletter – so information can be disseminated locally.

Discussion about what information to publish where.

For information more than a few weeks away – use the email newsletter.
For quick-fire information needing a speedy response, use the Facebook group.
For Masters regattas & events – put them onto this group Events tab and ask the Legion of Rowers ( to add to their email newsletter.
For boat sharing and composite crew arrangements – start a discussion on Rowing NZ Masters Facebook group



Topics for future meetings…

– What co-ordinating technology could be used to connect all masters in NZ?

– Where can we publish information about all Masters rowing clubs / groups?

The next Masters Open meeting will be Thursday 22nd October 2020 at 7.00 pm to 7.30 pm.
Join the meeting at