Novice masters classification change 2023

The Legion of Rowers committee is pleased to announce a change to the classification for novice masters rowers.

For the 2023 season and the Legion of Rowers Regatta in May 2023 the new classification is

Novice Masters Event Classification – A Rower who is eligible for Novice Masters events is a Masters rower who has not competed in a race before 1 June 2022.

Why the change?

Since many clubs teach masters learn to row during winter, and many North Island clubs like to race at the Rotorua Blue Lakes Regatta during January, the previous rule for novices precluded these athletes competing at the Legion Regatta because they would have lost their novice status at any race they entered before Maadi.

By changing the date to 1 June, it allows both these groups of athletes to race while learning to row and also compete at the Legion Regatta.