Rebecca Caroe

Rebecca Caroe

Build up to race pace

Looking for the right training recipe to boost your results this year? Race pace workouts are a key ingredient for boat speed. Your conditioning is going to improve through the season. In the early weeks develop a solid base of…

Governor General visits Waitemata RC

Last November 2022 saw a visit by Dame Cindy Kiro, Governor General of New Zealand accompanied by her husband Dr. Richard Davis, to the Waitematā Rowing Club (established in 1883 and now located at Taipare Strand on the Te Atatu…

Business House Rowing – Cognizant

Business House rowing has been reignited in Auckland with organisations being able to compete for the Thomson Memorial Cup. This Cup was competed for annually from 1938 through to 1996. The structure of the event has been adapted from Invercargill…

Ageless Improvement

As the age-groups roll by, your ability to simply rack up more miles on the river is not an option. Workout time is at a premium. Post-exercise recovery is a force to be reckoned with. So to keep getting faster…

John Thompson Memorial Gold Cup

The Cup was donated by Mrs Thompson, wife of John Thompson who was a former Club Captain of St Georges in 1898 The Cup was donated in 1937 and St Georges Rowing Club executive decided that the Gold cup be…

Rowing Detective…. 1920s rower

This picture was sent to the St Georges R C web site with the question ….. “Is this a St Georges rower, and what can you tell me about this person”. The photo was a copy of the original which…

The H eight adventure

As we get older and the age group ranks in our clubs gets smaller there needs to be a bit of inovation. St Georges R C and Auckland R C have put together a composite average 70 years old,  crew.…

Rewarding coaching masters

I spend a lot of my time coaching. During the school season that’s mostly school crews but off season and when time allows I like coaching masters.  What do Masters bring that makes coaching them so rewarding? Increasingly the masters…

Advice to the new sculler

woman 1x, masters rowing regatta,

Missing buoys, steering off course, falling out of your boat, being late to the start, rushing the slide, or stopping too soon before the finish line are only a few of those rookie mistakes common to the new competitive sculler. …